Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Real World DC: Looks Can Be D.C.-ving

So the first episode of a new seasons starts with us meeting the cast. We first meet Ashley who wants to band Obama and Mike who lives with mommy and daddy. They are both riding in the van together and Ashley has never been to DC before so of course she starts acting like an annoying little sister. They both think (CASUALLY) that one another is cute.

We then meet Andrew who is extremely desperate to get laid and Emily who is very emotional because of her past experiences with religion. Andrew is absolutely stunned when he saw her and acted like a complete nerd upon meeting her.

Callie is the next new roommate who cannot wait to live the city life coming from a small town and Ty is an intelligent man who wants to experience everything he can in life.

Erika is the rocker girl who has a rocker boyfriend to match and she says she wants to get down on her music career. Josh is another musician with a girlfriend and discusses his troubled past and how he's changed. They meet and although they don't say it, it was love at first sight!

So in the car, Andrew starts lying to Emily saying he's a professional cage fighter. He really wants some! Mike and Emily discuss each others religion and they find out they both go to church each Sunday and plan on going during their stay. They are the first to enter the house and go find rooms which are all "president themed" (one room is decorated Lincoln, another Kennedy, etc.).

Callie shows up and Ashley and Mike let her in with open arms (before tricking her into thinking she showed up at the wrong place). Callie ends up choosing the Reagan bedroom, much to Ashley's dismay. Andrew and Emily show up thinking they're the first ones in the house until they see the others. Andrew makes Emily his roommate in hopes that they'll...have sex (ewww). So they go out into the music room with the rest of the cast and Andrew starts bullshitting again saying he took 7 years of piano lessons and he's a photography major (dude, for trying to get laid by chicks, you're making yourself sound awfully gay lol). He gets away with most of it except when they catch him while asking if he's a virgin.

Ty comes in and is warmly greeted by everyone as the "Big, Black Guy". Josh and Erika come in and Andrew is a little nervous about Josh because he thinks he is cooler than him.

So at dinner, the topic comes up about how many people each roommate has slept with. Ty says 45, Josh says around 30, and then Mike drops the bomb when he says 15 girls and 5 guys. And then they ask him if he's bisexual and he says yes but doesn't want it to be a big deal. Mike says that his church is somewhat accepting and then Ty interjects saying to him, "God doesn't exist man." Ashley is offended by the discussion of religion and tries to calm Ty and Mike down.

So Callie and Erika are nervous about their roommates and want to room together and switch rooms. So they do it without Ty's permission. Mike goes to Ty's room and tells him he doesn't want to have tension the whole time and they both decide they will be more open-minded about each other. Ashley comes in and Ty and her find out they are clashing way too much and they can't get along. She leaves the room and says that's one person she WON'T get along with.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Emily

So Emily Schromm, the final DC cast member, has very pretty eyes. But she wastes her looks playing with fat guys in puddles. Yeah, a bit confused? Watch the clip below to prove I'm not crazy. But I'm gonna have to say out of all the cast members, Emily definitely seems like the most down to earth normal one.
A Midwestern girl who, until now, had never been East of Illinois, twenty-one year old Emily was raised in a fundamentalist Christian cult. Since breaking out from the cult, her daredevil nature has led her to throw herself into new things and broaden her horizons in every facet of her life. An athletic tomboy, Emily used sports as a way to ease her entry into a more secular existence. Since then, she has grown progressively more open-minded and experimental even when it comes to dating and she shares Ty's skeptical view of religion. For her, D.C. will be another new adventure, another step in her growth outside the cult.

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Josh

So there's this guy on The Real World DC, his name is Josh Colon, and he thinks he's a rapper. I think this guy is going to be the one that is really calm and collected but eventually have a breaking point. He raps in this video which is kind of annoying. But hey, maybe you're into that kind of thing. Anyways, here's his bio:
Josh has Philly pride, but that doesn't mean this twenty-three year old wants to serve up Philly cheese steaks for the rest of his life. This Puerto Rican/Italian glam rocker/rapper has dreams of making it big in the entertainment industry with his punk-funkadelic sound. Always one to look his sharpest, Josh is the quintessential ladies' man. He says girls are his "kryptonite," which could prove problematic as he tries to stay faithful to his girlfriend back home. Afterall, D.C.'s nightlife will offer more than a few temptations. Will D.C. be the place where Josh can realize his dreams? And when it's all over, will he still have a girlfriend to share them with?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

MTV's Jersey Shore vs. The Real World

Now I know you may get mad at me for mentioning Jersey Shore, but it's getting so much publicity for it's crazy antics, that I just had to mention it. And what better way to post about it then to compare it to The Real World. Now while The Real World takes 7/8 random people and puts them in a house, Jersey Shore is a show that takes 8 "Italian Americans" and puts them in a house on the jersey shore (hence the name).

Now we all know how The Real World caused a lot of controversy back in the day with it's promotion of promiscuity, but Jersey Shore, within the first episode, has come under fire for stereotyping Italians.

My question to you is this:
Is Jersey Shore a lot worse than The Real World or are people just making it a bigger deal than it actually is?

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Ty

The big, hyper, alpha-male cast member for this season's Real World showed up, and his name is Ty Ruff. He claims in his video to be a very optimistic person, which may have to do with his intense life that he has had. Read about it in his bio and then watch this clip so you can validate what I said. (By the way, this guy seems like the first "NORMAL" cast-mate.)

Ty is not one to let the worst get the best of him. Abandoned by his biological parents, Ty was shuffled around foster homes before being adopted at age five; and he grew up in a part of Baltimore he compares to "The Wire." Despite growing up in the church, he is anti-religion and thinks believing in God is a crutch. He relies only on himself. A recent graduate of Trinity College (where he played football and majored in economics), he's looking for the next thing that life has in store. Will he find it in D.C.? Ty is handsome, smart, athletic and opinionated, and he's not afraid to share his opinion. On one hand, he's a smooth, funny charmer who always seems to know just the right thing to say, on the other hand, his quick temper can get him into trouble. Ty is fresh out of a three-year relationship and ready to take on D.C. He's a guy's guys, but there just might be a roommate who steals his heart.

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Mike

Are there any gay cast members in this season of The Real World? Gay, no, but bisexual (is that pretty much the same thing), ka-ching! Mike Manning is an All-American kind of guy with a twist, he likes twist...? Anyways, check out this guys bio and his video clip, which...explains his lifestyle.

In high school, Mike was the typical jock...a star athlete, prom king, popular with all the all around golden child from a Christian family. But that's where the stereotype ends. Mike realized several years ago that, for him, love knows no gender. He dates guys and girls, and is still questioning whether he's bi-sexual or gay. Mike comes to DC to be an environmentalist, but unexpectedly finds the inspiration to help advance marriage rights for gay and lesbian Americans. His sexuality has caused some tension back home, and it's his time in D.C. that will prove to be the turning point for him and his family in terms of accepting him for who he is.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Erika

Now with 8 random strangers living in a house, one person (SOMETIMES) turns out to be a singer. And this season has Erika Lauren Wasilewski. But let me forewarn you, this girl's looks are "eh", her personality is mediocre, and her singing...well let's just say it's amateur at that. The recent seasons that had singers (Parisa, Brianna, Ryan) were much better than this girl. But you decide for yourself.

Erika is the melodramatic singer, and if there's one thing this Windy City rocker wants to make clear about herself, it's that she doesn't sing backup. Whether playing a gig or just chilling in the house, Erika likes to take center stage. Growing up, she battled loneliness and depression, and while she's come a long way toward pulling herself out of it, her need for affection is still apparent when it comes to her relationship with her boyfriend Ian. If there's one roommate who'll be phoning home all season, it'll be Erika.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Callie

Now if you took Casey, added about 20 pounds to her, cut her hair, took her annoying personalitly away and replaced it with a pinch of Sarah (RW: Brooklyn), you would get Callie Walker. Or at least that's what I get from the video below. You may see different.

Now obviously Callie isn't eye-candy, but I would say her attitude and personality are both going to make up for that. Here's's bio for her:

Callie may be a small town girl, but she doesn't plan to stay that way. This Texas native spent her childhood years falling on hard times and at one point living in a warehouse, then a junkyard -- an experience that for years made her the butt of her classmates' jokes. A free-spirit vegan, Callie has always felt a little out of place in her conservative Texas town, and she's just chomping at the bit to break free and chase her dreams of becoming a photographer. In D.C., she hopes to find the kinds of outlets for her creativity that don't exist in small-town Texas and make some new friends along the way. But after so many years in the backwater, will the buzz of the capital be too much for her?

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Andrew

Wow, after learning about Andrew Woods from Real World: DC, I confused as to why he's on this show and not Tool Academy. Just after watching this video of him, I know he's going to be the extremely annoying roommate who will be pranking everyone. BORING! And here's his bio from

The annoying little brother that you love to hate, but secretly love...describes twenty-one year old Andrew. He is an individual, to say the least; this fun-loving, free spirit from the suburbs of Denver will say anything to get a rise out of people. Often spotted around town wearing a panda hat, Andrew is a local legend for his witty, often offensive, politically incorrect comics. He doesn't like being held down by rules, and as a result, has been fired from every job he's ever had. Despite the lack of filter between his brain and his mouth, don't be fooled - he's as sharp as they come. After being cheated on and dumped by his last serious girlfriend, Andrew heads to D.C. a single man, looking to get with any girl who will say yes. But watch out ladies, one night with Andrew, and you may be the target of his next comic.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Real World 24: Back to New Orleans

So according to a NY Post article, The Real World 24 will take place once again in New Orleans, Louisiana. I say once again because New Orleans was home to The Real World's ninth season in 2009. Well, MTV is back to film there even after Katrina. Which I'm sure the cast will be apart of some type of relief to the disaster even though it's been 4-5 years.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Ashley

So I'm gonna be honest, I've seen the trailer to The Real World: DC and I've seen pictures of the show, but I still have no clue as to who each cast member is and what they're like. So for the next week and day (because there is eight!), I'm going to post a short bio and video about each cast member so we can get to know them together! HAHAHA How nice of me, right? Here's Ashley:

Ashley is a Portuguese beauty, with a hot temper and a blunt demeanor. She's passionate and compassionate...and very opinionated, especially when it comes to heated topics like politics and religion. Ashley might be the most politically aware of the eight roommates. She was an Obama delegate from Vegas, and she will debate anyone, anytime about anything. And she'll be happy to tell you why she's right. She reads voraciously and knows her stuff, but will she turn that passion into opportunity in D.C.? Ashley is a self proclaimed "walking oxymoron" - the smart one who didn't go to college, the tomboy who wears dresses, the liberal Christian, the bitchy caregiver. Newly single, Ashley has her sights set on the guys of D.C.

Let me forewarn you, she's fucking hyper and borderline annoying. I have a feeling I'm not gonna like her.

The Real World DC Begins December 30th

So I know you feel like you're just getting off a roller coaster after watching another season of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge, but pull yourself together because The Real World: DC is premiering in a week and a half.

Look at that sexy cast (SARCASM HERE). Could this group of people get any more...ordinary? But then again, that is supposed to be the goal of The Real World.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Ruins Reunion: Any Last Words?

So this Wednesday at 10 PM EST, the Ruins will air it's final FINAL episode which will be the reunion. So far, I've heard that Katie, Susie, Veronica, Johnny, Johanna, Kenny, Dunbar, Evan, Sarah, Brad, Kelly Anne, and Wes will be there.

I cannot wait to see all of the issues and lies that will be brought to light. And with Katie and Veronica being there, I'm sure some crazy shit is gonna go down.

Anyways, check out this Challenge Daily where the cast of the Ruins talk shit about each other. I'll warn you:
  • KellyAnne: "Kimberly, you need to wax your 'stache". (Someone is still bitter over Dunbar)
  • Casey: "Evan, I would enjoy blowing the shit out of him." (WTF?!)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Ruins Finale

So just as I thought the inevitable would happen, the sky would turn orange, hell world freeze over, and the Challengers would win, I was proved wrong by the Champions when they won the Ruins final challenge. Yes, you heard me, Johnny Bananas, undercover lovers Evan and Kenny, Derrick, and Susie were able to beat the 2 Challenger girls. Unfortunately, while Sarah and KellyAnne were ahead of the Champions team most of the time, the fact that neither of them were motivating one another to work faster lead to their defeat.

Well that's that. By the way, I put up 2 polls on the left of this poll, and would appreciate if you voted because I am really curious as to what you guys think of this season's challenge. And also, for your enjoyment pleasure, watch this video of Sarah bawling her eyes out. I love Sarah, but I don't know how much more crying I can take!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Best of the Best Challenge Dailies- Wes and Brianna

So I checked out the site to pick up and interesting video for you guys, and I found a video from almost each of the cast members from The Ruins who gave their own input on the challenge. I found 2 very INTERESTING videos for you guys to dissect.

The first video is of Wes. Wes speaks to the youth of the nation (we are, we are!!!!) and tells them that neither he nor anyone else on these shows are role models for them. He tells them to do good in school and not look up to them at all when they are in the house and on these shows. I find this so funny because he caused so many fights on this show. But to each his own.

This next video is from one of my favorite Real Worlders, Brianna from the Real World: Hollywood. She gives a very emotional speech saying that she truly believes in the Challengers team and that they can be Champions if they try hard enough. I cannot get over how much of a difference this girl was on The Ruins compared to the Real World. She is definitely one of my favorites from now on.

Friday, December 4, 2009

TJ's Awkward Speech During Casey's Exit

Wow, I love TJ's bluntness about Casey. But seriously, is she the worst challenge player ever? We all know TJ has an attitude problem as shown on The Island when Ashli was eliminated. But that's a little harsh, even for an ex-BMX rider. Although my favorite quote from this clip is:

"Hopefully you'll go home, do some steroids like the rest of these freaks."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Ruins- Muay So-Called Ruins: Episode 9

So we return to Kim and Susie playing the game called "Rag Doll" where they must grab on to Casey hair and see who can hold onto it the longest. Okay, no that's not the game, but that would be funny. Anyways, Kim and Susie are ferociously fighting while enduring the rain that is going crazy. It honestly started to turn me on for a second seeing these 2 blondes roll around in the rain. Susie begins to pick Kim up by the rope and slam her down and then pretty much sits on her, winning the game and eliminating Kim.

Dunbar and Johnny start and Johnny is a little nervous. These guys keep going back in forth taking turns knocking the other one on the ground. Dunbar starts to get the upper hand on Johnny because he's right behind Johnny and seems to be controlling the game so far. While Dunbar is on top of Johnny (pratically humping him), Johnny pops up on his feet with the rope, taking Dunbar's $2K. The Challengers suck now because they consist of just 3 girls (LMFAO).

So the next day, Johnny tells Kenny and Evan that Susie is gonna start slacking and throwing challenges as she did on the Inferno III. The Champions minus Susie huddle up and want to throw the next mission so Susie can go against KellyAnne because they know KellyAnne wants to take Susie's money. They are so afraid that they may lose the final challenge against 3 girls...WTF?

The challenge this time is on the top of a building. The player must run up a ramp over the building, grab flowers along the ramp, and put them in a vase. The Challengers go first and Sarah and KellyAnne are beasts. Then Casey goes and quits after 2 minutes. Johnny goes for the Champions, puts the flowers in his mouth, and drops them on purpose! The score is 9 flowers for both teams with just Evan to go and he ends up getting 3 flowers winning it for the Champions. TJ tells Susie she gets to choose her opponent because she's the only girl and she chooses Casey.

So in the final ruins, Casey and Susie are playing Muay Thai where they must kick and break a bunch of bamboo sticks before the other person. They both start off pretty good, Casey a lot better than expected. But it's not long before Casey falls way behind and Susie, OBVIOUSLY ends up winning. So the total amount of money in Susie's bank account in the end is $31.5K.

TJ tells all of the remaining players that the money they all have right now in their bank accounts is theirs to keep no matter what in the end. So the finale is 5 Champions vs. 2 Challengers.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Ruins: Episode 9 Eliminations

So today, Dunbar and Kim went home at the beginning. And then surprisingly, after much anticipation, Casey has left Thailand. You can drop a comment about what you think below. The recap for this episode will be up tomorrow. Remember, next week is the finale!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Darrell Says He's Down With Another Challenge

These are excerpts from the interview Darrell Taylor did with

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Do you feel confident that, if that fight hadn’t happened, your team would’ve stayed true to their word and let you get to the finale?
A. Darrell: Yeah, I would’ve been there. They wouldn’t have screwed me. They like me and more importantly, they’re scared of me.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Was this your last challenge or do you have another one in you?
A. Darrell: Actually, I got one more in me. I wanna win, I’m not gonna lie. When they took everything away, our freedom and everything, I was like, “F this.” On other challenges, we would get to go out and get away from the game. It was an insane situation and we looked dumb. If you were us, you’d do the same crap.

I really do feel kind of bad for this guy because he seems really cool and it sucks that he messed up his winning streak. I think this guy should come back on a Duel-style challenge so he can win easily.

Credit: Reality Wanted

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Real World DC Trailer

So for the 23rd time (well, actually for the 3rd time), 8 strangers move in together. Have a look. There honestly doesn't seem to be much drama between the cast which makes me sad. It premieres December 30th.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Ruins Finale Spoiler Picture

So there's one more episode left of The Ruins and then the finale after that. Well, before the show even aired, there was a picture, courtesy of, that was floating around the web of the finalists from both teams.

Now I didn't want to post it before, because I didn't want anyone who hasn't seen it to be spoiled, but I figure now that we're so close to the finale, you might as well take a look.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Finally! A Good Episode of The Ruins!

So this pasts weeks episode of The Ruins was by far the best. Partially because of the events that occurred, but I also liked how they didn't even start the challenge until a half hour into the episode. I honestly think that there was so much crazy shit going on that MTV wasn't showing us, but they finally unleashed it. I'm going to go down the list of things that happened and tell you my thoughts.

Brad and Darrell Fight- So the episode starts with KellyAnne having a birthday party. Well, Brad still isn't over the whole Casey drama and he ends up drinking way too much. He then goes into the Champions bedroom acting like a tough guy and starts provoking Darrell. I don't know how drunk Darrell was or even if he was drunk at all, but he repeatedly tells Brad to back off. When Brad pushes Darrell, Darrell gets Brad on the floor and lands a good 5 to 6 solid punches. They both end up getting kicked off.

IMO: I am very surprised that BRAD and DARRELL fought. They seemed like the two mellow-headed players on their team. I still like Brad because you cannot deny that he is a nice guy on TV, but I definitely do not fault Darrell for acting out in some way, I just think the way Darrell handled it was wrong. Dude, you won 4/4 challenges and were on your way to winning 5! Why would you mess that up, even if someone wanted to fight you?

KellyAnne Vs. Dunbar- Now this fight I find absolutely hilarious. Apparently Dunbar had been telling a bunch of cast members that he banged KellyAnne on the Real World: Sydney. When KellyAnne finds this out, she quickly denies it and becomes pissed with Dunbar. Even when Dunbar and Kim are discussing it in the bathroom, she is outside the door yelling things at Dunbar.

IMO: Now, I don't really know who to believe. If you watch Sydney, it does kind of look like they hooked up sexually. And we all know KellyAnne gets a bad rap for being a hoe and she could be trying to cover it up. On the other hand, we know how much of a meathead "Dummie-Bear" is and he could be saying this just to sound cool. KellyAnne is growing on me on this challenge and I love how she did not care about Dunbar possibly getting eliminated.

Susie Vs. Champions Team
- So here's the dilemma. The only girl left on the Champions team is little old Susie. So she will be going into the elimination round no matter what every time. Susie believes that she should be allowed to choose who she goes against (cough *Casey* cough ). Well, the Champion Men love Casey because her sucky physical abilities are making them win. But Susie knows that the Challengers want to send Casey into the Ruins so if Susie throws the challenge, she will definitely get to go against Casey. In the end, the Champions win but Susie is convinced to pick Kim this time around.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Girls Left in The Ruins

The Challengers

Casey- She's a weak ass who seems to use this to her advantage by not getting picked to go into the ruins. If you didn't know, the Champions made a rule that for guys on there team, they would get to pick who they go against, except the girls don't have that same rule. That's why Casey hasn't gone in the ruins yet. She is really starting to piss off her team because they really want her off.

Sarah- Quite possibly one of the best girl competitor's ever because she is not only a strong player (she had won twice in the ruins) but she is very positive and doesn't freak out when her place in the game is jeopardized. I really am convinced this girl doesn't have a bad bone in her body. I think she is one of my favorites because she isn't annoying as hell like almost everyone else. Sarah FTW!!

Kim- I feel very indifferent about Kim. She did really good in the Duel II except she didn't have the numbers on her side. In this challenge, I sometimes forget she is there. She was able to win one of her ruins and I think she has a shot at making it to the end. Hopefully she comes back in another challenge as a veteran and can win because this challenge isn't looking good for her team.

KellyAnne- WOW! I hated this girl on The Island and on The Island Reunion. Except she has done a complete 180 for me. I am somewhat surprised at how good of a competitor she is (she won both of her ruins). I definitely think a match up between her and Susie would be awesome to see because they are both the strongest. KellyAnne is another I want to see return as a veteran.

The Champions

Susie- Poor Susie, all of the other old champion women have abandon her. Susie in some ways I believe is a little overrated. I didn't like her cocky attitude at the beginning but she has kind of grown on me now. Since their seems to be only 1 or 2 more ruins left before the finals, I'm not sure if she can take out 2 challenger girls. It definitely will be interesting to see who she goes against the next to ruins. (Off topic but this girl looks exactly like Teri Polo in Meet the Parents)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Ruins- Silence Of The Ruins: Episode 7

So the people in Thailand have officially gone crazy. The whole house is out by the pool going insane and partying. That's when part of the cast starts playing truth or dare and Susie says she would bang Cohutta. Aw, there is love in the air. (And although Susie is the devil, she has delicious looking abs.) Oh yeah, and Kim gets nude. Even drunken Casey moons everyone. The mood could not be lighter, until Brad is seen pissed as ever. Um...he hates Casey because of her weak ass (it was expected, she's a fresh meater!)

Susie talks with Johanna and expects her to go into the next ruins since Susie has already been in once and she agrees. Except Susie thinks maybe they should throw it because the other team will put Casey in against one of the two. (Susie! And you call yourself strong)

So at the challenge, almost the whole Challenger's team is nominated with the exception of KellyAnne. For the Champions, both Susie and Johanna are nominated, and Evan, Kenny, and Darrell go in. So they challenge is that each player from a team has to roll down a hill in a tractor tire and hit the endzone. Once they finish, they have to roll the tire back up the hill and the next player goes.

The Challengers start off pretty good until "The She-Devil Who Must Not Be Named". I mean, don't get me wrong, the challenge looks hard as hell, but WTF CASEY!!! She just takes her good old time trying to push the tire up the hill and as her team tries to cheer her on, Brad continues to hate on her in the confessional. And when Sarah goes down, I wasn't sure if she was competing in the challenge or having an orgasm.

The Champions send the girls first who do fairly well. Then the guys begin to go and to much complaining, they do very well. While Kenny's does a flip in the air, Evan rushed to his side to check on him (how nice, Evan cares about his bf Kenny) So the Champions finish and TJ doesn't even sound enthusiastic when he announces there victory.

Back at the house, Johanna straight up, in a nice way, tells Sarah she has many more challenges ahead of her and she's going to pick her for the ruins. In deliberation, Darrell quickly gets up and chooses to go against Cohutta aka Mr. Money Bags from the Mountains. Johanna fakes the team out when she goes for Casey's plaque but then ends up chosing Sarah like she said. Johanna is worried about damaging her pride by possibly losing to Casey and embarrassing herself. (Please! You dated Wes, there's not much more to be embarrassed about after that.)

Susie talks to Sarah about how she really wants her to stay but also likes Johanna a lot. Sarah, with a smiling face, tells Susie she's staying positive and really wants to be here. (This girl is more inspirational than Oprah.) Cohutta finds out that he's going in the ruins for the 3rd time and he starts to get a little...shaky. (What did this guy do to deserve this? He must be a republican.) Susie also decides to give Cohutta a pep talk (Can you say...HOR-HOR-HORNY).

So the ruin game they're playing is called crunch where they are hanging almost upside down by there feet but have to stay above water with a weight on their chest with there abs keeping them up. The girls go first and Johanna is apprehensive because Sarah is staying up for a long time. JoJo (damn, my last time calling her this!) falls under water and then pulls her release, which means she loses. NO!!!!!! Suprisingly, Johanna is happy she's leaving.

Darrell and Cohutta start and this one is tense because the winner will get 30k+ in their bank account. Darrell seems to be meditating and Cohutta starts to struggle and ends up pulling his release and loses. So Darrell wins and now has the biggest bank account and he says according to his team, his is guaranteed a spot in the finals. Cohutta walks out with everyone congratulating him and he even gets a kiss from Susie. (Be careful, she might have Swine Flu.)

Back in the house, Brad seriously gets on Casey's case. (HA! That sounds funny.) Brad tells her everyone on the team, like Sarah and Kim, really want to win and she is making them suck. Casey puts up a very weak defense. (Casey, you know you're just here to get wasted and have sex.)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cohutta and Johanna Make Their Exit

So sadly, the fierce little mountain lion and the Peruvian goddess were defeated this weak, leaving the teams in shambles. The Champions, although made up of mostly men, have was too much testosterone to handle and are going to crack any second. And the Challegers still have Casey who is a bigger deterrent to a team than the GOP is to healthcare.

Darrell went into the ruins against Cohutta so he could become the richest man alive (well, at least in this game). And he currently is now with $31,000+ (you could buy a lot of women with that). And Sarah went into the ruins as positive as ever and was able to beat Johanna. Johanna just doesn't have that motivational drive like she used to on challenges (wait, did she EVER have motivation?)

Anyways, I'll post a recap tomorrow evening sometime. For now, you can tell me what you think in the comment box.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Challengers Are on a Roll

So just when I was ready to give up on the 'sorry of an excuse' team known as the Challengers, they didn't start winning challenges. LOL. Let's be honest, from the picture to my left, you can obviously tell there was SO MUCH chemistry and they were all excited to win! (note the sarcasm).

BUT (and that is a big "but") they have managed to win all of the Ruins in the last 2.5 episodes. Starting with Sarah in episode 4, the Challengers have managed to keep there team of 7 players. Now don't get me wrong, even though the Champions and Challengers both have 7 teammates, the Champions is definitely stacked with 5 guys compared to the Challengers 3 guys.

Now if we look at it, since there are only two more girl ruins (Susie and Johanna are the only girls left on the Champions team), that means most likely two Challenger girls will make it to the end for sure. Let's pray Casey isn't one of them ;)

In my opinion, I hope that Brad is able to take out one of the guys in the Johnny-Derrick-Kenny-Evan alliance because they do not deserve to win. Not because they are mean to other people or the back-stab there fellow teammates, but simply because they are ANNOYING AS HELL. I would have said I hoped Cohutta makes it to the end but at this point he's the smallest, has the least power in the house, and has the most money in the whole house with a whopping $18,650.

Tomorrow I will be blogging about my opinions on the Champion team and who I want to advance. Please feel free to leave your opinions about anything I said in the comment box.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Ruins Episode 6: Ruining on Empty

You cannot be a veteran, or challenger, in this game and not be a shady motherfucker. The episode begins with Susie and Johanna really wanting Veronica to go in against KellyAnne so either one can take the other person out. And privately, I mean very privately, Johnny calls out Evan and says he's only strategizing to save himself. (Remember, Kenny and Evan are friends, Kenny and Johnny are friends, but Evan and Johnny were never that close. As a matter of fact, Evan took out Johnny in the Gauntlet 3).

Shockingly, Veronica begins a conversation with a couple of the Challenger girls about possibly throwing the challenge.

So for nominations, the Challengers don't have much of a choice. Everyone is nominated from the team to go in minus Kim who won her ruin last week. So sad for them :-(. Johnny immediately says Susie, Veronica, and Johanna are going to go in (DUH, they are the only girls left.) Then he says Syrus, himself, and Derrick will go in.

So the challenge this week is to throw fruit over a wall, catch it on the other end, run it to a table where teammates will carry the fruit to a basket. The team with the most fruit at the end will win. The Champions fruit is flying over the wall completely crazily. Brad throws his fruit over the wall with it all staying close to each other EXCEPT weak little Kimberley throws her fruit in the air and it doesn't even go over. Both teams are doing fairly well until it starts storming. Do I even need to tell you who wins?

Cohutta is nervous considering he has the most money in his bank account compared to Brad and Dunbar. Johnny starts secretly telling his team that Syrus is dead weight and they should get him off their team.

In deliberation, Veronica knows she going in and JoJo, Susie, Johnny all say they want her against KellyAnne. Oh yeah, so does Derrick, who gets a bunch of slack from Veronica who says straight up calls him a coward to his face. For the guys, Johnny and Derrick say they decided for a number of reasons they want Syrus to go in and he choses Cohutta (the bank account). Syrus confesses to Brad that he's upset with the alliance. Veronica overhears Johanna, Susie, and Evan saying they want Veronica to come back so they can throw her in everytime and she gets pissed.

The ruins game the two guys and two girls will playing is hog tie where each player is suspended upside down and must get to the other end, grabbing a key along the way, unlock themselves, and run to hit a gong. Syrus starts out EXTREMELY fast except has trouble unlocking himself. Cohutta is very calm and ends up winning it. Syrus is ticked and now Cohutta has $18,000+. Then KellyAnne and Veronica go at it and they are taking much longer than the guys but KellyAnne ends up winning evening out the teams with 7 players each.

So later that night, Johnny comes up with an idea to put syrup on a sleeping Derrick and then cover him in feathers. Derrick

jumps off his bed and tackles Johnny and Johnny gets upset with Evan who doesn't come to his defense (what is this, the third grade?). Will this cause a new divide in the
team? We shall see...NEXT WEEK!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Johanna Vs. KellyAnne

So I've been thinking lately about the whole KellyAnne/Johanna feud. I mean, there really isn't a huge issue on the show in the house, but Johanna and KellyAnne continue to talk smack in there confessionals. I even felt the need to put a poll up on the left about it.

Now we all know why there might be slight animosity coming from both of them, considering Johanna is the ex-girlfriend of Wes who is currently dating KellyAnne. Some say that KellyAnne is just dating Wes to piss off JoJo. Others will say that KellyAnne has the freedom to do whatever she wants and that Johanna is making a big deal out of nothing. I believe that they both are kind of acting weird on the show trying to avoid confronting each other. I am praying that MTV gives us a face-off between the two.

At the end of the last episode, KellyAnne did end up calling Johanna for not even clapping for Wes as he exited, which Johanna responded that she was happy he left. And both girls ended up toasting to a new beginning although Johanna mentioned in her confessional that she still doesn't like KellyAnne. I think all viewers including myself are very curious to see what happens next.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bye Bye Wes: Episode Recap

So the "JEK Alliance" (Johnny, Evan, and Kenny) were successful in picking off the thorn that was in all of their sides. Wes was sent him this week after competing in the Ruins for the third time. Little, scrawny, mountain boy Cohutta sent him home. How said is that?

For a little episode recap, the Challengers has no choice but to nominate Brad, Dunbar, and Cohutta considering they are the last 3 men on the team. Sarah sat this one out and let the three other women on the team (Kim, Casey, and Kelly Anne) be nominated. The Champions nominated Johanna, Ibis, and Veronica, hoping that they could pin Veronica against KellyAnne. The guys nominated were Johnny, Wes, and Kenny.

The Champions crushed the Challengers in the challenge. Then in the deliberation, Wes nominated himself to go against Cohutta and there was no confusion there particularly because Wes gets a jealous feeling when thinking about Cohutta. When it came to the women, Johanna says her and Ibis aren't voting for each other. SHADY!!!! Veronica starts knocking down Ibis' abilities in the challenge and they end up tying the vote with Veronica vs. KellyAnne with 3 votes and Veronica vs. Kim. So TJ brings in the whole Champion team to vote on which girls will face off in the ruins.

No teammate can discuss it, they must give there answer immediately. Several Champions such as Syrus and Derrick start voting Ibis vs. Kim. Even Johnny, who was apart of the Veronica vs. KellyAnne deal, votes Ibis. But Evan stays loyal and votes for Veronica to go in. It ends up being 5 and 5 with Veronica or Ibis going in, and Veronica got to cast the last vote. We all know what that is. Ibis is pissed at everyone, especially Derrick who was on her season and Johnny who promised Veronica would go in.

In the Ruins, Cohutta and Wes get a game that is NOT physical. Wes ends up giving up and Cohutta wins. Wes gives some "I care about you (Champions)" speech but I didn't fall for it. Then Kim goes against Ibis and Cohutta is coaching Kim through the whole thing and Kim ends up winning. So Ibis is added to the list of people that got screwed by JEK.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Katie Says No More Challenges...?

Yeah, let's be honest, a RW/RR's alumni has came out and said they are done with challenges before. This is the same situation with Katie on The Ruins. Before her ruins, she legitimately said that she is done with challenges after this one whether she wins or not. Obviously she didn't win, but is she really done?

Many have said that they are done with challenges before and have returned. I believe Mr. Mark Long is one of them. Even Evelyn, who is on The Ruins and speculated to be on the next challenge, said during the Island reunion that she was going to take a long break and ended up coming on this challenge a year later. One who many fans our anticipating a return from is Coral who quit the Gauntlet III.

But in Katie's case, would it be good if she quit? I mean, she, along with 3 other Ruins castmates (Derrick, Tonya, & Veronica), holds the record for most challenges with a whopping 8 appearances. Are we as viewers starting to get tired of certain cast members? Thoughts and Comments would be helpful.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Katie Doyle Explains Her Hate For Sarah

So this week on the Ruins, some crazy shit went down! Katie randomly flipped out on Sarah when she found a plunger in her bed, and it was never really explained why Katie didn't like her. I mean, in the end, Sarah got the last word and sent Katie home. But Katie did an interview with RealityWanted and had this to say about Sarah:

Katie: Sarah never left the Champion team’s room. I’d wake up and she’d be sitting there. I’d go to bed and she’d be sitting there. She was always trying to get in with Kenny and Evan. People started calling her Super Fan because she only wanted to hang out with older cast members. Somebody told me that she referred to me is crazy, which is fine. But if you call me crazy, I’m not going to like you. I was pissed off about the plunger, they put baby powder on my bed, which they didn’t show, and then Evan told me it was the blue team. I associate Sarah with the blue team and she was laughing and she already annoys the crap out of me. I definitely overreacted. I apologized to her the next day. If I’m not a jerk, then I don’t get any air time. They didn’t show my apology. I shouldn’t have called her fat. I knew that calling her fat would get a reaction and that was my motive at the time. I don’t dislike her. I just think that when you’re that new, don’t be that ballsy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vevmo Has the Full Fresh Meat 2 Cast

So, just like always, has cracked the code and revealed the cast for Fresh Meat 2 which just wrapped up filming. This list includes the RW/RR alumni and the person that they are paired with. Obviously the partners are people we have never heard of.
  • CJ Koegel (RW: Cancun) and Sydney
  • Danny Jamieson (RW: Austin) and Sandy Kang
  • Darrell Taylor (RR: Campus Crawl) and Cara Maria Sorbello
  • Evelyn Smith (Fresh Meat) and Luke Wolfe
  • Jenn Grijalva (RW: Denver) and Noor Jehangir
  • Jillian Zoboroski (RR: Xtreme) and Pete Connolly
  • Katelynn Cusanelli (RW: Brooklyn) and Brandon Nelson
  • Kenny Santucci (Fresh Meat) and Laurel Stucky
  • Landon Lueck (RW: Philadelphia) and Carley Johnson
  • Paula Meronek (RW: Key West) and Jeff Barr
  • Ryan Kehoe (Fresh Meat) and Theresa Gonzalez
  • Sarah Rice (RW: Brooklyn) and Vinny Foti
  • Wes Bergmann (RW: Austin) and Mandi Moyer

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Mess of a team called The Challengers

So in this Challenge Daily that's only 23 seconds long, a good point is made. Currently on the challenger's team, there is 8 people total, 4 guys and 4 girls. KellyAnne states that if one more guy or girl goes home, the rest of that gender will have to nominate themselves by default. Meaning they will be susceptible to go into the ruins every time. Wouldn't that suck to have to compete in a challenge every time and then on top of that go into the ruins each time. Talk about deserving to win. The challengers just need to step it up.

Friday, October 16, 2009

True Hollywood Story: Brianna Taylor

I don't know if you've caught onto it, but I have a soft spot, a really soft spot for the Challengers. More specifically the soft spoken ones. Speaking of challengers, the latest one to leave The Ruins was Real World: Hollywood's Brianna Taylor.

Brianna was known for being the loud, spunky, and tough chick from Philly who definitely had a sensitive side to her. She fought with a couple roommates like
Kimberly but also got really close to roommate Greg. But overall she had come to Hollywood to pursue her singing career. She did very well scoring a gig with Alex Band and getting to perform in front of an audience.

Well Brianna has released her second album, "Fireworks at the Fairground," Oct. 13 on Chamberlain Records.The new
CD "Fireworks at the Fairground" is now available on iTUNES.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Ruins- The Road to Ruins: Episode 3

So today's episode starts off with Evan loathing Veronica on a boat. And yeah, and then Tonya acting like a psycho on the boat by climbing the mass. Back home Veronica starts telling Evan she's nervous because she hasn't done a challenge in a while but Evan says he'll protect her. Then in another room Adam and Brad start saying the need to go into The Ruins and start taking out Champions.

So for, what is it, the third episode in a row, Wes has a meeting with his team telling them he wants to work things out, he wants to change, and, oh yeah, he's going to donate his winnings to... charity?!

So challenge time comes and the Challengers immediately agree Danny, Adam and Brad will go in after they volunteer. Brianna volunteers herself but Casey is a little adamant when they say her name. But after a vote, she is voted in along with Kim who volunteered.

The Champions choose Kenny, Evan, and Syrus. They have a problem with the women too when Ibis and Susie volunteer but Veronica and Tonya resist. Johnny says that Veronica is shady and I quote,
"Instead of going to work to get the raise, she says why not just f*** the boss and I'll get it that way." (LOL)
But the majority ends up voting Veronica in anyways.

The challenge is called Repo Race. The object is to get all of your teammates over a what looks to me like an extremely easy obstacle course with out touching the sand. What you do is line up on the ground so your teams runner (Champs- Derrick, Challengers- Cohutta) can walk on you and then the back of the bridge comes to the front (god, why isn't Big Easy on this challenge?).

So they start and Cohutta touches the sand sending the challengers back to the start and giving the Champions a lead. Throughout the rest of the race the teams are tied. Towards the end, the runners had to grab a bag and this caused confusion with Derrick. Then as he was running he hit the sand and had to go back. The Challengers were very calm at this point and Cohutta ended up running past the finish line first. You know what that means, don't you? I know, THE APOCALYPSE! Ok, not that, but yes, the Challengers won!

So the Challengers go back home with their six nominees and deliberate as to who should go in. They decide to do secret ballots (dumb idea IMO). Brianna ends up getting 5 votes and Adam gets 3. And they have no objection (Why the hell would you not vote Casey?). Adam easily picks Syrus to go against because he's friends with Kenny and Evan. Brianna picks Susie and Kim questions her and she still wants it.

So in the ruins, they are playing a game called "Burnout" where they stand on a platform holding a wheel, trying to maneuver shooting water to put out their opponents fire. The girls go first, and Bri is doing a hell of a job. That is until Susie sadly wins. And Brianna goes home.

Then comes Syrus and Adam. Adam starts off really good and Syrus is getting nervous. Adam gave it all he could but Syrus ended up winning sending Adam home and taking his money. Now there is only 8 challengers left :(