Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Andrew

Wow, after learning about Andrew Woods from Real World: DC, I confused as to why he's on this show and not Tool Academy. Just after watching this video of him, I know he's going to be the extremely annoying roommate who will be pranking everyone. BORING! And here's his bio from

The annoying little brother that you love to hate, but secretly love...describes twenty-one year old Andrew. He is an individual, to say the least; this fun-loving, free spirit from the suburbs of Denver will say anything to get a rise out of people. Often spotted around town wearing a panda hat, Andrew is a local legend for his witty, often offensive, politically incorrect comics. He doesn't like being held down by rules, and as a result, has been fired from every job he's ever had. Despite the lack of filter between his brain and his mouth, don't be fooled - he's as sharp as they come. After being cheated on and dumped by his last serious girlfriend, Andrew heads to D.C. a single man, looking to get with any girl who will say yes. But watch out ladies, one night with Andrew, and you may be the target of his next comic.

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