Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Real World DC Cast: Meet Erika

Now with 8 random strangers living in a house, one person (SOMETIMES) turns out to be a singer. And this season has Erika Lauren Wasilewski. But let me forewarn you, this girl's looks are "eh", her personality is mediocre, and her singing...well let's just say it's amateur at that. The recent seasons that had singers (Parisa, Brianna, Ryan) were much better than this girl. But you decide for yourself.

Erika is the melodramatic singer, and if there's one thing this Windy City rocker wants to make clear about herself, it's that she doesn't sing backup. Whether playing a gig or just chilling in the house, Erika likes to take center stage. Growing up, she battled loneliness and depression, and while she's come a long way toward pulling herself out of it, her need for affection is still apparent when it comes to her relationship with her boyfriend Ian. If there's one roommate who'll be phoning home all season, it'll be Erika.

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